Dogs and cats living together: Joe Biden says feline will join White House pets

Dogs and cats living together: Joe Biden says feline will join White House pets

Uniting Democrats and Republicans is one thing, but Joe Biden will reportedly embrace a far more formidable challenge when he inherits the White House early next year: bridging the chasm between the nation’s cat people and dog lovers.

Ranger warns Royal Parks will be closed if dogs aren’t kept on leads

Ranger warns Royal Parks will be closed if dogs aren’t kept on leads

Dog owners have been asked to follow the ‘temporary’ coronavirus measure at the eight Royal Parks in London to help visitors stay two metres away from each other.

The rights and wrongs of training your baby like a dog

The rights and wrongs of training your baby like a dog

I was surprised at Chitra Ramaswamy’s strongly worded condemnation of C4’s Train Your Baby Like a Dog (G2, 21 August).I think the programme was stimulating and interesting and showed positive results without talking to the baby like a dog.