Moment live dogs are beaten and butchered for humans to eat

Moment live dogs are beaten and butchered for humans to eat

The pets arrive on trucks at the factory in Surakarta (Picture: DMFI) Many don’t survive the journey to the factory (Picture: DMFI) Over 80 restaurants in Java openly advertise selling the meat (Picture: DMFI)‘They are then taken to filthy slaughterhouses where they watch other being slaughtered as they wait their turn, trebling in fear.

Freed! Critically endangered creatures destined for cruel lives as pet returned to forest

Freed! Critically endangered creatures destined for cruel lives as pet returned to forest

One small step for rescued Javan loris takes it back to the wild (Image: International Animal Rescue) Conservationists released 65 critically endangered Javan slow lorises back to the trees after rescuing them from poachers.

Dogs and cats blowtorched alive and bludgeoned to death at Indonesian street markets

Dogs and cats blowtorched alive and bludgeoned to death at Indonesian street markets

Dog Meat-Free Indonesia, which lobbies authorities to pass and police laws and regulations against the trade, says there are growing concerns for animal welfare in the country.