Bamse the war hero dog who guided soldiers home from pub and broke up fights

Bamse the war hero dog who guided soldiers home from pub and broke up fights

Yesterday the British public acknowledged a two minute silence for those who fought in the First World War. But often many forget the thousands of animals who also lost their lives during conflict – including one very brave dog, Bamse, who served in the Second World War. The St Bernard belonged to the captain of the Norwegian fighting ship Thorod, which escaped to the UK after the occupation of Norway in 1940.

Football fan returns to Russia to rescue stray dog he met at World Cup

Football fan returns to Russia to rescue stray dog he met at World Cup

Football fan Ricardo Lazo has returned to Russia to adopt a stray dog he spotted at the World Cup (Picture: HTB) Mr Lazo plans on starting his own animal shelter in Peru and naming it after Businka (Picture: PovoDog)