Elon Musk and Dogecoin spiked demand for Shiba Inu dogs, but not good news for tenderloins

Elon Musk and Dogecoin spiked demand for Shiba Inu dogs, but not good news for tenderloins

The cryptocurrency meme Dogecoin (DOGE) , famous for being Elonb MUsk's favorite and increasing its value by 4,600% in one year, triggered the demand for dogs of the Shiba Inu breed, an icon of the currency .

People are buying their pets cosy cup noodle beds to snooze in and it’s the best

People are buying their pets cosy cup noodle beds to snooze in and it’s the best

Yuki the Shiba Inu has a snooze in a giant pot noodle bed (Picture: 柴犬ゆきちゃん)Every pet deserves a cosy bed of the highest standards to snooze in – even if they then ignore your design efforts and just sleep in the box it came in.