11 Must-Haves For Your Dog's First Aid Kit

None of us like to think of our beloved dogs getting hurt, but it's always better to be prepared in case something does go wrong. Many people already have a first aid kit at home for the humans, but what about the four-legged members of the family?

If you already have a fully-stocked kit at home (and in the car) for which you meticulously have a dedicated Excel spreadsheet to keep track of which items to replenish as they expire, then we admire you. Your friends probably love getting hurt at your house.

For the rest of us, here's a list of things you can add to your dog's first aid kit (which you'll be putting together as soon as possible, right? ;-) ) so your precious pooch is covered in case of any boo-boos. Having a first aid kit is not a replacement for proper veterinary care, and you should definitely contact your pup's vet if anything seems wrong.

1. Emergency phone numbers (Veterinarian, Emergency vet, Animal Poison Control Center)

2. Gauze and adhesive tape

3. Digital thermometer

4. Hydrogen peroxide

5. Ice pack

6. Scissors

7. Sterile saline eye wash

8. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

9. Antibiotic ointment

10. Towel or blanket

11. Tweezers

No, not for fabulous doggy eyebrows. Maybe you live in a woodsy area inhabited by ticks. Maybe your dog likes to hug Bambi. Whatever the case, having tweezers in a designated spot means you'll be prepared to yank that blood-sucking tick off your dog's body.

Make sure your pet is in good company. Pets get lonely and depressed just like people do when they spend too much time alone. Cats are generally better on their own, but dogs and especially puppies don’t do well left to their own devices for extended periods of time.

We hope this list helps you start your own first aid kit for your sweet pup. Although no one ever expects to use it, it could possibly be a lifesaver in case of an emergency.

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