How to know if you should get a pet with a partner

How to know if you should get a pet with a partner

Vihan says you and your partner should see a future together before considering having a pet, but there is no perfect time for that to happen.Vihan recommends having a back-up plan if your relationship doesn’t work out before taking this step, as it is important for each partner and for the pet.

Five ways to help your dog live a longer, healthier life

Five ways to help your dog live a longer, healthier life

Weighing your dog’s food can help you regulate their weight (Picture: Getty Images)Use feeding guidelines as a starting point for how much to feed your dog, but you might need to change food type or the amount you feed to maintain a healthy weight as your dog gets older, or depending on how much activity they get.

Emotional problems and bonding

Emotional problems and bonding

“However, if first-time parents can detect a difference in their pet’s behaviour around the pregnant mistress, it’s time to train the pet from a professional dog trainer.”.

Weird video shows female cat suckling on dog’s teats

Weird video shows female cat suckling on dog’s teats

Florist Sarah, from Kings Lynn, Norfolk, says the form of bonding suppresses Mini’s suckle cravings and allows Lola to adopt the mother role she desires. Cats and dogs are usually thought of as natural enemies but from day one, Lola and Mini have always lived happily together.